Rescue Heroes Wiki
Going with the Wind
Season Three, Episode Twenty-one
Rescue Heroes Going with the Wind
Air date December 18, 2002
Written by Lorne Wise
Episode guide
Alone for the Holidays
A Bridge Too Frail

Going with the Wind is the fifty eighth episode of Rescue Heroes.


When the Santa Ana winds travel across Catalina Island, havoc occurs. Perry Chute and Rip Rockefeller go after a stray hang-glider, Ariel Flyer and Rocky Canyon rescue a stray wind-surfer, and Gil Gripper helps two teenage boys aboard their catamaran.



  • Woman: Help it's on the way.
  • Gil: System, locate, Ariel Flyer, Rocky Canyon and Sandy Beach.
  • System Locater: Subjects, located.
  • Gil: Ariel, Rocky, we've reached. A distress call.

Andrew: Man, Uncle Ned’s gonna be so mad when he finds out that we not only stole his boat, we trashed it.
Gil: Stolen boats can be replaced. It’s his trust that’s to take a lot longer to get back.
