Rescue Heroes Wiki
Rescue Heroes Hurricane Havoc

Rescue Heroes: Hurricane Havoc is a Rescue Heroes PC game, released by Davidson & Associates/Knowledge Adventure on November 16, 1999.

Footage: version 1.1


version 1.0 [2]


Players join the Rescue Heroes Leader, Billy Blazes to become a new Rescue Hero. In the Rescue Heroes Training Camp, players will learn how to save lives in tragedies causes by tropical storms. Players first learn about what a tropical storm is, then they join the Rescue Heroes on training missions on how to save lives in the tragedies the storm caused in a city called Metrobay.

Players could also print out their own Rescue Heroes Gear and even stickers to decorate their computer monitor into their own Rescue Heroes Control Panel.

Training Missions[]

Save the Pets[]

Help Billy Blazes put out the fires in the Metrobay Animal Hospital and rescue the animals inside it.

Roadblock Buster[]

Help Jake Justice bust all the roadblocks that are blocking the roads that were tossed around in the storm so rescue vehicles can get through on his Justice Cycle.

Building Breakthrough[]

Help Jack Hammer use his jack hammer tool to break through each floor and rescue the objects in the museum collection before the flood waters rise too high at the Metrobay Museum.

Flood Runner[]

Help Gil Gripper and Nemo rescue all the people and animals surround by flood waters in flooded areas. You could either ride with Gil or Nemo.

Helicopter Heroics[]

Help Wendy Waters put out fires the storm caused and rescue all the people in the Quick Response Helicopter.


Flood Runner Phrases (At the end of missions)[]

  • Canyon: "Nice work, rookie. Looks like you aced that canyon."
  • River: "Rivers are one thing. The wide open ocean is quite another."
  • Ocean: "You skim the waves like a flying fish, rookie."
  • City: "You're one step closer to becoming a full-fledged rescue hero."

Flood Runner Phrases (Said by victims)[]

  • Canyon: "Oh, cool. The Rescue Heroes. Thanks, Nemo. Thanks, Gil Gripper."
  • River: "Ruff ruff ruff! Ruff!"
  • Ocean: "Oh, thank you. Thank you! My hero."
  • City: "We're saved."


  • The original Rescue Heroes logo can briefly be seen on one of the Command Center video screens in the ending.
  • There is also a rarer second version released on July 7, 2000 of the game out there with more show accurate graphics and better animation. Copies are rare but the back of the box is the biggest giveaway to whether or not it's the version.
  • Cliff Hanger is the only rescue hero that does not have help.
  • When Gil Gripper says, "Watch out for trees, and other things floating around. You don't want to run into them. That'll slow us down.", it means it's a rhyme.
  • In Flood Runner, mission one is the canyon, mission two is the river, mission three is the ocean, and mission four is the city, which is the last one.
  • In the Ocean mission, the theme from the River mission plays in a quiet volume.
  • Gil Gripper says, "Hang on tight!" in the first two missions, which are the Canyon and the River.
  • In Helicopter Heroics, there are two clones of the man in a turquoise shirt and the woman.
  • In Building Breakthrough, the floors are reversed from five to one.
  • In all missions, except Save the Pets, Gil Gripper says, "Congratulations!", but in Save the Pets, Billy Blazes says, "That was terrific animal rescue work, rookie!".
  • "Back to Rescue Heroes control!" plays after all missions, except Roadblock Buster.
  • In Helicopter Heroics, the throttle changes the speed of how fast or slow the helicopter will fly:
    • When the throttle is pushed forward, it means that the helicopter flies faster.
    • When the throttle is pulled backward, it means that the helicopter flies slower.
  • At the end of the game, Billy Blazes does not say, "Okay, but come back again for more Rescue Heroes training!" nor "Great! Back to Rescue Heroes training.", but he only says them throughout it.
  • In this version, Roger Houston is absent.